Jack R

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The way they look at each other is adorable.
Game, set and murder: Miss Fisher's finest 1920s fashion – in pictures
Costume designer Marion Boyce campaigned for this episode, Game, Set and Murder, by turning up at meetings with racquets. ‘Tennis was one of those irresistible images” she says, “the whites and beautiful green backgrounds against gorgeous, grand homes.’
Everything Miss Fisher, The Foxy Lady Detective
Everything Miss Fisher, The Foxy Lady Detective — MFMM Year of Quotes 2018 – September Challenge –...
Miss Phryne Fisher
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
The Art of Madness
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries. . . Inspector Robinson for the win!
"I do like a man with a plan"
"I do like a man with a plan" Phyrne Fisher and Jack Robinson playlist
'Miss Fisher and D.I. Jack Robinson' Poster by brynnlm
Miss Fisher and D.I. Jack Robinson Poster
Chasing Rainbows And Getting Nowhere.
Chasing Rainbows And Getting Nowhere.