Praktická recyklácia / practical recycling

154 Pins
Weave a Boho T-shirt Rag Rug With Easy DIY Loom
How to build a simple adjustable rug loom and weave a beautiful t-shirt rug or other up-cycled fabric rugs. Detailed tutorial and step by step photos! - A Piece Of Rainbow
Stop throwing out tin cans! Here's a list of 50 wonderful projects to make!
Hang These Simple Tin Can Lanterns with Handles
Clever bread bin recycling idea - Crafting News
Love this upcycling of vintage bread bins into corner cabinets. Even the modern ones would look good like this too.
Braided Bracelets from Vintage Handkerchiefs
Learn how to upcycle and repurpose a vintage handkerchief or hankie into a sweet and simple Anthropologie inspired braided bracelet with this craft project tutorial from Sadie Seasongoods! #anthroinspired #anthrostyle #anthropologie #vintagefashion #vintagestyle #repurpose #upcycle #DIYjewelry
How to Make a Potting Shed from Old Doors — Empress of Dirt
Make your own mini door shed with this tutorial from the book Upcycling Outdoors. #pottingsheds #repurposed #empressofdirt