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Barry Goss uploaded this image to 'Garage Renovation'. See the album on Photobucket.
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I was getting tired of my spray cans taking up shelf space and constantly falling over so I designed and cut this rack out on our CNC machine using 1/2 Baltic Birch. The quality is fantastic and It works great. Easy to mount using two screws. It also has a little pocket to store nozzles and those
22 Clever Storage Ideas for Stuff That’s Always In the Way
Garage Corner Shelves. Use scrap plywood or oriented strand board to make shelves that fit snugly between the corner studs and support them with 1x1 cleats. These corner shelves are perfect for storing smaller items such as glues, oils, waxes and polishes, which get lost on larger shelves.
Small-Space Vegetable Garden? No Problemo. — Laughing Crow & Company
Small-Space Vegetable Garden? No Problemo. ~ Gardening in the suburbs in some postage-stamp garden areas forced me to get creative when it came to suburban vegetable farming. But you know what? Even now that we live on acreage, I still enjoy using small-space gardening techniques because it's just plain practical! Vegetables have zero bias when it comes to their garden home. Use these tips to help vegetables thrive in your small-space garden. [....]
Gadget Monday – February 2, 2009
This is the beginning of what could be a new feature on my site: a (more or less) weekly list of interesting gadgets, selected based on their design and usefulness. I call it Gadget Monday. It&#821…
Z pohrabaného listí lze vytvořit listovku, poslouží vám venku i doma
Vytvořte z pohrabaného listí listovku, kterou můžete dát jako výživu rostlin
Kedy strihať stromy, stromčeky a kríky | pestovanie.eu
Kedy strihať ovocné stromy, stromčeky a kríky
Moox is part bike, part scooter
The Moox Bike also features a 6000 series aluminum frame, sealed bearings, a Shimano RDM310 7-speed...