
42 Pins
Ящик пандоры – Taps from Pompeii … Каким инструментом делали и почему его прячут ?
Ящик пандоры – Taps from Pompeii … Каким инструментом делали и почему его прячут ?
Purported Photos of Billy the Kid, page 4
Purported Photos of Billy the Kid, page 4
LtoR back- Big nose Kate, Doc Holliday, Wilhelmina Horony, Crawley P. Dake, LtoR front Wyatt, Alvira Earp. Original image from the collection of P. W. Butler.
Access Denied | Paul E Wiliams Photographer Photography Library
Fullery of Stephanus on the Via del Abbondante, Pompeii. Fulleries were an important business in ancient Pompeii. Fullers processed, dyed, and washed cloth.