
17 Pins
White solid privacy vinyl dumpster enclosure and 12' wide double gate with gate wheels install by SNK Fence
How to Build Deck Footings with QUIKRETE®
This video shows you how to build the base of a deck foundation or concrete deck footing, using QUIKRETE® QUIK-TUBE Building Forms. Successfully construct a ...
Courtier - Courtier en travaux sur Médan, Villennes-sur-seine, Vernouillet
Construction d'un mur de soutènement de retenu de terre en bloc à bancher à Villennnes/seine. Ces murs sont construits pour retenir de très fortes charges latérales. #SelectArtisans #CourtierTravauxYvelines #MurSoutenement
Easy DIY Fences - How to Build a Fence!
I like hiding a sturdier metal post inside a fabricated wood post, then attaching the remainder of the fencing to it. Great for high wind areas.
Setting Cedar Fence Posts That Won’t Rot
<p>Did your fence posts rot at the bottom? Here's how to install new ones—and avoid the problems that made your old posts rot.</p>
How to Build Deck Footings |
How To Build A Deck - Footings & Foundations -
Build a Square and Level Platform for a Shed or Tiny House (Lifehacker)
Build a Square and Level Platform for a Shed or Tiny House
A Firm Foundation for a Backyard Shed - Fine Homebuilding
Solid-concrete blocks are ideal for building on-grade foundations. The blocks are aligned in rows and checked for level with a long, straight 2x4 and a 4-ft. level. [shed decking].