
29 Pins
So cute, though the perfectly striped socks really make it
Seite entfernt - schoenstricken.de
Sockentier Anleitung: Socken-Affen kennst du schon, ich selbst habe schon vor einiger Zeit einen Socken-Teddy gebastelt. Neu: Jetzt gibts Socken-Katzen ...
diyforever on Indulgy.com
diy, tutorial by diyforever
Toys from socks. Japanese magazine
for mom to make....maybe a Wanda doll
Cat, Kitten, Sock Animal, Sock Creature, Plush Animal, Soft Sculpture, Pink, Felicity - Etsy
Cat pattern - easy - stitch to look like arms with out having to cut and sew
conejo de calcetin
вівці, кози | Записи в рубрике вівці, кози | крапка з комою : LiveInternet - Российский Сервис Онлайн-Дневников
DIY crafts: SOCK CAT - Innova Crafts
DIY crafts: Sock cat - Innova Crafts How to make a cute sock cat. It's very easy! ✂ MATERIALS: - Socks - Marker - Needle and thread - Scissors - Beads SUBSCR...
and now there are 4 fish
These would be a great activity to do with the kids- maybe using old socks as a base
How to Make Glove Monsters - Sew - Handimania
Glove Monsters - looks easy enough for even someone with no sewing skills, I would make a rice bag version.