
28 Pins
Perched Hummer @Vickie Hsieh Hsieh Hsieh Hsieh Hsieh Hayes Shearer
$695WK Scenic Ranch SE Arizona 360 Mt Views, 3 Ghost Towns and 2 National Parks. Tons of local history including rich Apache history of Geronimo & Cochise. Tombstone & Bisbee are a short drive from Ranch. http://vacationhomerentals.com/68121
Hummingbird seems to be looking for that Hummingbird feeder. Maybe. How big is a hummingbird? How big is a cardinal? How about a turkey vulture? Compare the sizes of the birds and their nests. Ohhh, what about the eggs, what do they look like? How are they they same and different?
Hummingbird on Iris,
Artistic-realistic nature
Purple Costa's Hummingbird Feeding by JoeyD on 500px○ 1077✱1618px-rating:88.8☀ Photographer: JoeyD , USA
Marvelous Spatuletail is displaying right now.
Marvelous Spatuletail, Peru
Foto beija-flor-rubi (Heliodoxa rubricauda) Por Octavio Campos Salles
Foto beija-flor-rubi (Clytolaema rubricauda) por Octavio Campos Salles | Wiki Aves - A Enciclopédia das Aves do Brasil